5th-8th Crafts (8-29/12-16) M/W 6:05-7:00 pm

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5th-8th Crafts (8-29/12-16) M/W 6:05-7:00 pm


Instructor: Paola Garcia

Para ver informacion acerca de este curso, oprima aqui.

In this class, children will explore the world of arts and crafts through creativity, fun and learning. This class was created to let students creatively express themselves through a positive outlet. Arts and crafts is a gateway for engagement, motivation, and creativity as students use critical thinking skills to learn content through relevant and individualized projects. It helps them with decision making abilities, improves concentration, boosts their self-confidence, increases their problem-solving abilities and also improve their academic performance. Arts and crafts allows them to create and express themselves through their choice of the arts makes learning personal and meaningful. This class will be filled with crafts based on seasons your kids of all ages will enjoy!

To learn more about our instructors click here.

If your course is full you may sign up for the waiting list here.

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