Shafter Historical Lectures with Stan Wilson: "The Hoover Ranch” - Thursday, May 11th, 6:30-8pm
Learn about Herbert Hoover and his involvement with the development of a farm just north of Shafter that was a showcase for modern techniques in farming, but from which Hoover had to divest his interest in after becoming President, yet remaining as a background influence.
Lecturas Históricas de Shafter con Stan Wilson: "The Hoover Ranch” - Jueves 11 de Mayo, 6:30-8pm
Aprende sobre Herbert Hoover y su influencia en el desarrollo de una granja al norte de Shafter cual se convertiría en un ejemplo para las técnicas mas modernas de granjería. Al convertirse presidente de Estados Unidos, Hoover se aparto de la granja pero continuo siendo gran influencia.